And no civilians, so fire away Even though it's a lightgun game, it really feels different than Time crisis or GunBullet thanks to these mechanics. There is no need for reloading either, so no shooting offscreen or hiding behind a crate. You can choose between three types of shot with different properties (charging speed, spread, damages.) and can change at will at the press of a button.

The game really shines however with a light gun controller, as it makes the whole gameplay smoother. I used the normal controller at first and I tried very hard to use an imaginary lock-on targeting system (control pad gameplay would have been greatly improved with it.) You can use the analogue stick if your controller has it but the controls are still one-speed digital, don't expect finer controls. It gives me strong vibes of Panzer dragoon / Rez / Gamera2000, with a different universe of course, having the camera moving forward constantly while enemies keep jumping at you. The controls are really neat and smooth (it's your typical twin-stick FPS, but with a mech), the game is beautiful, the cutscenes are really well done and the action is quite obvious even if you don't understand Japanese (I don't). I can't find a decent review on the English-speaking Internet. The "dating" part seems to be mainly related to which girl you decide to take as copilot for each mission, which in turn unlocks specific cutscenes and various endings.

The first battle is in a Japanese suburban city against giant worms and mysterious alien spheres floating in the air: you shoot at everything, and everything explodes, the city just ends up in ruins after your victory. Another Inti Creates? Love & Destroy is a twin-stick Mech fighting game with a fully destructible environment, a massive amount of animated cutscenes and a hint of dating-sim.